Friday, July 27, 2007

BMW Z8 (2001)


The BMW Z8 was a convertible supercar automobile produced by BMW from 2000 to 2003. It was given the E52 BMW model code.

The Z8 originated from a prototype designated Z07, which was designed by Henrik Fisker at BMW's Designworks in Southern California. It was showcased at the Tokyo Auto Show in 1997. The car was originally designed as a styling exercise to both echo and celebrate the BMW 507 of the 1950s for its 50th birthday.

The overwhelming popularity of the prototype show-car led to the decision to put the car into limited production, to be designated Z8. The car was featured in the James Bond movie The World Is Not Enough in late 1999. It also featured in a number of video games. About 5700 Z8s were built, with about half of them exported to the USA.

The $130,000 car had an all aluminum chassis and body and used a 4.9 L (4941 cc) 32 valve V8, which propelled the vehicle with 400 hp (294 kW) and 500 Nm. This engine was built by the BMW Motorsport subsidiary, and were also used in the E39 M5. Performance specs touted a 0 to 100 km/h (0 to 62 mph) time of 4.7 s, which was later tested at 4.2 s by Motor Trend magazine. Car and Driver magazine also tested the car and found that it outperformed the benchmark Ferrari 360 Modena in the main three performance categories: acceleration, handling and braking. The Z8 held BMW's production car performance records for several years.

2003 Model Year Changes - Alpina Z8

For the 2003 (and last) model year, the Z8 model was augmented by the Alpina V8 Roadster. Instead of the original manual six speed M5 (S62) motor featured in earlier Z8's, it came as an automatic, using a 5-speed Steptronic transmission with an upgraded 4.8 L Alpina tuned V8 motor from the X5 SUV. Only 550 of these were built. In America, this special edition of the Z8 was sold directly through BMW dealerships, marking a first for Alpina, whose cars had never been sold in the USA before

BMW Hydrogen 7 (2007)

Introducing a new Era of Mobility: BMW Hydrogen 7.

BMW is the world's first car maker to present a hydrogen-drive car which has successfully completed the process of series development: The BMW Hydrogen 7 with its hydrogen combustion engine is the result of a consistent development strategy now rendering this trendsetting concept of sustained mobility fully suitable for regular use in today's world.

The BMW 7 Series Hydrogen 7 Saloon is powered by a 191 kW/260 hp twelve-cylinder and accelerates from 0-100 km/h in 9.5 seconds. Top speed is limited electronically to 230 km/h or 143 mph. And as long as full supply of hydrogen is not guaranteed, the dual-mode power unit featured in BMW Hydrogen 7 switches over quickly and conveniently to conventional premium gasoline.

Offering the world this highly practical solution, BMW is not only demonstrating its leadership in technology in the area of future-oriented drive systems. Rather, the integration of hydrogen drive in an existing vehicle concept which has already proven its merits in the market paves the way for an alternative to conventional drive concepts fully accepted in the market and with all the assets the customer is looking for in practice.

The launch of BMW Hydrogen 7 is therefore a milestone en route to an era of mobility independent of fossil fuels not only for the BMW Group but also for the entire automotive and energy industry.

BMW Hydrogen 7 clearly proves, therefore, that liquid hydrogen may by all means be used as a source of energy for the production car. Indeed, introducing BMW Hydrogen 7, the BMW Group is establishing powerful momentum for the ongoing development of a supply infrastructure serving above all to set up additional hydrogen filling stations providing sustained mobility on a broad basis also in future.

BMW CleanEnergy - the BMW Group's energy strategy.

The promotion and ongoing development of hydrogen technology as the appropriate type of energy for the future is an essential part of the BMW Group's CleanEnergy strategy. In this context, BMW Hydrogen 7 serves as a pacemaker enabling all development partners participating in the concept to demonstrate the practical, everyday qualities and benefits of this jointly developed technology.

The BMW CleanEnergy concept therefore seeks to provide a drive technology which serves to fulfil current and future demand for individual mobility without the use of fossil fuels. Indeed, hydrogen technology offers the opportunity to dramatically reduce emissions generated by personal transport and, in particular, to minimise the emission of CO2: Running in the hydrogen mode, the BMW Hydrogen 7 basically emits nothing but vapour.

The vision of sustained mobility free of harmful emissions applies not only to the actual operation and use of the car, but also to the generation of drive energy: It is a well-known fact today that mankind needs alternatives to the consumption of fossil fuels limited in their availability. And contrary to such conventional fuels, hydrogen is meets the requirements of the future in full both in its generation and in its sustainability, being embedded in the regenerating cycle of nature. Recovered from biomass or with the help of energy from the sun, from wind and hydro-power, hydrogen is available in virtually infinite supply. And if necessary it can also be generated with the help of natural gas, biogas, or other sources of primary energy.

As a result, the type of hydrogen recovery and production can be adjusted flexibly to current conditions and requirements, ensuring maximum diversification and facilitating the gradual substitution of fossil fuels step-by-step in the course of time.

Momentum for developing the right supply infrastructure: the Clean Energy Partnership (CEP) and cooperation with Total.

In developing the technical components required for using hydrogen, the BMW Group cooperates closely with specialised suppliers and partners in development. In addition, the BMW Group is a founding member of the Transport Energy Strategy (TES) and belongs to the Berlin Clean Energy Partnership (CEP) also comprising other car makers, energy supply companies, and public transport services.

CEP is part of Germany's national strategy of sustainability, and is supported and promoted by the German Government. It was at the initiative of CEP that the first integrated hydrogen filling station was opened in Berlin, reflecting the Consortium's objective to prove the qualities of hydrogen for everyday use in mobile applications.

To promote the use of hydrogen as a source of energy, the BMW Group has concluded an agreement with Total, the mineral oil and fuel supplier operating an integrated filling station with both conventional fuels and hydrogen in Berlin year ever since 2004. Yet another hydrogen filling station in the capital city of Germany - again as part of the CEP initiative - was then opened by Total in March 2006.

A new integrated hydrogen filling station also run by Total is to be opened in Munich at the end of 2006, marking the premiere of BMW Hydrogen 7 near the BMW Group's Research and Innovation Centre. And last but certainly not least, the BMW Group and Total have agreed to open yet another integrated hydrogen filling station in a further large city in Europe.

Benefiting from experience already gained in practice, the process of filling up the hydrogen tank is now quite similar to the process of filling up a conventional tank under regular conditions at a gasoline or diesel fuel pump: As soon as the driver has manually connected the tank coupling to the fuel tank filler cap on the car, the entire process of filling up the tank is fully automatic.

BMW - the forerunner and leader in hydrogen drive technology.

As a particularly innovative, strategically oriented car maker, BMW was very quick to assume responsibility for the promotion and introduction of sustained mobility concepts. Reflecting the Company's traditional core competence in drivetrain technology, BMW started as early as in 1978 to conduct research on the hydrogen power unit, consistently developing and upgrading this technology with several generations of hydrogen cars in the years to come.

In the year 2000 BMW became the first car maker in the world to present a demonstration fleet of hydrogen-drive cars at the Expo 2000 World Fair in Hanover, Germany. In the meantime the BMW 750hL hydrogen car has proven its merits under practical testing conditions, clearly and impressively confirming the feasibility of this technology. And on the CleanEnergy World Tour, finally, the BMW Group was once again able to gain significant international attention on hydrogen technology and its great potential.

The world's first public hydrogen filling station was opened at Munich Airport in the year 2000, again making a significant contribution in testing and improving the everyday qualities of this innovative drive technology. Indeed, the experience already gained at the time by the BMW Group and other car makers, fuel supply companies and the operators of the filling station at Munich Airport has significantly influenced and promoted ongoing development within the CEP imitative.

This experience has also been used, inter alia, in the concept of the hydrogen filling stations now operating in Berlin, where BMW Group test cars have been filled with hydrogen regularly ever since. Operation of the world's first public hydrogen filling station will be ending in 2006 when it is replaced by the new integrated filling station in Munich.

BMW Hydrogen 7: paving the way into the future.

Launching BMW Hydrogen 7, the BMW Group is opening up a new era for the development of automobiles with alternative drive technologies: BMW Hydrogen 7 is not the result of a research project, but has rather successfully completed the entire Product Development Process (PDP) obligatory for all new BMWs.

In this process all components of the new technology were integrated into the overall vehicle according to the same criteria applied to "regular" production cars. Hence, BMW Hydrogen 7 has reached a level of development significantly beyond the status of all hydrogen prototypes and demonstration cars built so far and allowing homologation under the usual rules and standards in both Germany and the ECE.

The knowledge gained in the Product Development Process has not only made a decisive contribution to the everyday driving qualities of the BMW Hydrogen 7, but has also had a positive effect on the features and qualities of all individual components. In the Product Development Process each and every component as well as the overall vehicle is analysed and checked to the smallest detail, determining whether it meets the requirements of series production.

Representing firm features in the Product Development Process, the individual process steps in Development, Testing, Clearance and Signing-Off guarantee the high standards demanded of a BMW Group vehicle. Naturally, the process takes all criteria relevant to the customer into account in order to verify that the new product is ready for the market in every respect. For only then are the conditions fulfilled for presenting the customer - as with all other BMW models - with the world's first luxury saloon running with a hydrogen combustion engine.

Entering the market as the first hydrogen car for everyday use, the BMW Hydrogen 7 is a milestone - and at the same time it introduces a new era in car production. The knowledge gained in developing the car will have a significant influence on the development and production of future hydrogen car concepts, with the principle of dual-mode drive as well as the features of other components now going through the strict test of everyday driving practice.

Liquid hydrogen - the energy of the future.

Ever since the start of research and development in this area, the BMW Group has given preference to the use of liquid hydrogen as the appropriate source of energy for the automobile. Compared with gaseous and highly compressed hydrogen, liquid, cryogenic hydrogen offers much higher energy density.

And comparing the amount of energy stored in a tank of the same size as cryogenic, liquid hydrogen as opposed to a car tank with gaseous hydrogen compressed to 700 bar, we see that liquid hydrogen has the advantage of offering 75 per cent more energy. Clearly, therefore, a vehicle running on liquid hydrogen has a correspondingly longer cruising range with all the practical benefits involved.

Dual-mode combustion engine for enhanced flexibility.

In judging the everyday qualities of a new drive concept, the practical cruising range offered by a car is one of the most important criteria. But apart from consumption figures and the tank capacity in a car, we must also consider the existing fuel supply infrastructure.

Right now there is not yet a full network of hydrogen filling stations. Hence, vehicles running on hydrogen alone can only be used within certain limits on public roads and do not offer the flexibility naturally expected by the customer.

Precisely this is why the BMW Group, introducing the world's first hydrogen car for everyday use, is opting for dual-mode drive technology, with the combustion engine of BMW Hydrogen 7 being able to run on both hydrogen and gasoline.

The cruising range of the car in the hydrogen mode is more than 200 kilometres or 125 miles, with another 500 kilometres or 300 miles in the gasoline mode. As a result, the driver of a BMW Hydrogen 7 benefits from virtually unlimited mobility and is able to use his vehicle without problems even when far away from the nearest hydrogen filling station.

Dual-mode drive technology - the key to everyday motoring.

The prerequisite for permanent use of hydrogen as a source of energy is a closely-knit network of hydrogen filling stations. On the other hand there will only be an incentive to build additional filling stations when a significant potential for vehicles with hydrogen drive is obviously developing in the market.

Precisely this is why BMW Hydrogen 7 is destined to become a pacemaker for progress on both levels. It now generates the momentum required for expanding the right fuel supply infrastructure, ultimately benefiting those car makers focusing exclusively on single-mode hydrogen technology. For once the number of hydrogen filling stations increases accordingly, these vehicles will also become more attractive, single-mode hydrogen vehicles then offering the same everyday driving qualities and practical benefits that BMW Hydrogen 7 is already able to prove today.

Opting for this dual-mode drive concept, the BMW Group is consciously acting as a pacemaker. Indeed, this commitment to set standards not only to the benefit of BMW's own customers, but also to the advantage of an entire world of technology, is part of the responsibility the BMW Group is happy to assume in our modern world.

Fuel cell technology BMW style: the APU.

Despite this clear focus on hydrogen technology, the BMW Group is also working consistently on the fuel cell to ensure practical use of this technology also in the automobile. The long-term objective is to use the fuel cell as an auxiliary power unit (APU) both in the hydrogen and gasoline car, the APU serving to supply electric power for the on-board network both while driving and at a standstill.

V12 power unit developing dynamic performance BMW style from hydrogen.

Under current conditions, dual-mode drive is indeed the only really practical solution in giving hydrogen the breakthrough it deserves. And at the same time the combustion engine featured in BMW Hydrogen 7 is excellently suited for arousing widespread acceptance of this new technology.

Particularly in comparison with the fuel cell, the power unit featured by BMW develops much more engine power, the V12 driving BMW Hydrogen 7 combining dynamic performance, superior comfort and enhanced safety in a manner typical of all BMWs, regardless of the type of fuel or engine technology.

Displacing 6.0 litres, the power unit develops maximum output of 191 kW/260 hp. Maximum torque, in turn, is 390 Newton-metres/287 lb-ft at an engine speed of 4,300 rpm. This enables BMW Hydrogen 7 to accelerate from a standstill to 100 km/h in 9.5 seconds and gives the car an electronically limited top speed of 230 km/h or 143 mph, both on hydrogen and gasoline.

Right from the start, therefore, this alternative energy technology brand-new in a series production car is absolutely equal to the gasoline engine with its history of more than 100 years. So the conclusion is clear: A hydrogen car is also able to offer power, performance, driving dynamics, motoring refinement and, as a result, sheer driving pleasure of the supreme standard expected of a genuine BMW.

Apart from the driving experience, the twelve-cylinder power unit carried over from the BMW 760i as the basis for the engine in BMW Hydrogen 7 offers further benefits highly relevant to the customer. Indeed, the engine comes with all the qualities gained by BMW in decades of experience in the production of particularly powerful and efficient power plants, which also means the supreme reliability so typical of a BMW.

Compared with a fuel cell hardly able to offer the same kind of power, the combustion engine is far lighter right from the start. A further point is that use of a combustion engine also means lower cost of production, with BMW Hydrogen 7 not only having gone through the BMW Group's entire process of series development, but also being fully integrated in the conventional production process even as a hydrogen car: The new hydrogen model is built at BMW's Dingolfing Plant parallel to the other models in the BMW 7, 6 and 5 Series, with the drive unit in BMW Hydrogen 7 coming like all BMW twelve-cylinders from the Company's engine production plant in Munich.

Direct gasoline injection and hydrogen intake manifold supply.

The hydrogen combustion engine is based on the gasoline power unit featured in the BMW 760i, offering the most advanced and sophisticated highlights in technology such as fully variable VALVETRONIC valve management and variable double-VANOS camshaft control. Further confirmation of the engineering skills of BMW's engine development specialists is borne out by the modifications required for dual-mode drive, with fuel being supplied in the gasoline mode through direct injection and with a hydrogen supply pipe integrated in the engine's intake system.

The key technology is the injection valves required to provide the appropriate fuel/air mixture, blowing exactly the right amount of hydrogen gas into the intake air within fractions of a second.

Burning up to ten times faster than conventional fuel, hydrogen offers a higher level of efficiency. To make use of this potential in full, the V12 power unit in BMW Hydrogen 7 requires particularly flexible engine management ensured ideally by VALVETRONIC and double-VANOS, where both the gas cycle and injection rhythm can be perfectly tailored to the specific features and characteristics of the hydrogen/air mixture.

Minimisation of nitric oxides.

Under full load the power unit in BMW Hydrogen 7 runs under stochiometric conditions, meaning a complete balance of oxygen and hydrogen (lambda = 1). This mixture ratio also provides the highest level of performance and output on low emissions in the hydrogen mode.

With hydrogen, contrary to fossil fuel, not containing any carbon, the combustion of hydrogen generates neither hydrocarbons (HC) nor carbon monoxide (CO). If at all, minute traces of HC, CO, and CO2 emissions will be generated by the combustion of lubricant and by rinsing the activated carbon filter while running in the hydrogen mode.

The only relevant factor, therefore, is the emission of nitric oxides (NOX) generated above all at particularly high combustion temperatures. Highly flexible combustion management, however, allows an operating strategy able to largely control the formation of NOX. In practice, this means that the engine is run under part load with a high share of oxygen and, accordingly, a high lambda factor of more than 2.

In this case the temperatures in the combustion process are relatively low, keeping NOX emissions to an absolute minimum.

Such a lean burn mode can be maintained throughout a particularly wide range of operation in the engine control map. And since hydrogen offers particularly broad ignition limits and burns at a fast rate, only a small amount of fuel is required in the mixture to generate a high level of efficiency.

To boost engine output, the share of fuel in the fuel/air mixture is also increased in the hydrogen mode. This, in turn, means an increase in combustion temperatures under higher load. With the fuel/air mixture range creating the maximum amount of nitric oxide lying between lambda = 1 and lambda = 2, the engine management of BMW Hydrogen 7 cancels out this operating range with its negative effects on emission management without any reduction or change in torque.

NOX emissions are almost completely avoided under full load with a lambda factor of 1. To convert the minimum amounts of NOX still remaining under these operating conditions, all the engine needs is a regular three-way catalyst system, the specific composition of exhaust gases in a hydrogen combustion engine running under stochiometric conditions (lambda = 1) promoting the conversion of nitric oxides possibly contained in the exhaust emissions by way of the three-way catalyst. In practice, therefore, the drive unit featured in BMW Hydrogen 7 offers the same dynamic performance in the hydrogen mode as when running on gasoline, while emitting nothing but vapour in the process.

Hydrogen tank: compact instead of all-round insulation.

The dual-mode drive concept of BMW Hydrogen 7 requires not only suitable engine management and fuel supply, but also proper integration of two separate fuel tanks: To offer the longest conceivable cruising range, BMW Hydrogen 7 comes with both a conventional 74-litre (16.3 Imp gal) gasoline tank and an additional fuel tank taking up approximately 8 kilos or 17.6 lb of liquid hydrogen.

BMW 326 Cabriolet (1936)

BMW 3/15

The BMW 3/15 was BMW's second car, first produced in July 1929.

After the end of World War One the situation for BMW - which was founded as an aero engine manufacturer became difficult. The Versailles treaty strongly restricted airplane manufacture in Germany and companies had to look for other fields of business. So BMW turned to truck and boat engine, motorcycle and later car manufacture. When the BMW Dixi line collapsed, BMW took the opportunity and bought the license for the Austin seven as well as the Eisenach factory. For the first months the production of the car continued as BMW 3/15 PS DA1. The BMW 3/15 PS DA1 had many different body shells so it was one of the first customizable cars. The designation was derived from the taxation class (3), engine power (15 hp with PS being the German equivalent of hp) and DA stands for “Deutsche Ausführung” (German version).

Engine: 4 cylinder water cooled four-stroke, 750 ccm, 15 hp
Weight: about 400 kg
Top speed: 75 km/h (45 miles/h)
Acceleration 8 to 40 km/h (5 to 25 miles/h): 10 seconds
Fuel consumption: 5-6 liter/100 km (mileage about 45 miles/gallon)

BMW 325i Cabrio (1985)

BMW 3 Series E30

The E30 automobile platform was the basis for the 1982 through 1991 BMW 3 Series entry-level luxury car / compact executive car. It was the successor of the BMW E21 in 1982 and was replaced by the BMW E36 in 1992. BMW continued to produce the cabriolet (convertible) E30 well into 1993. The M3 cabriolet was never officially offered for sale in North America; it was offered only for the European market.

This was also the first platform that BMW introduced their famous Motorsports division 3-series, the BMW M3. A widened version of the E30 front suspension and the drivetain from the E30 325i were used in the BMW Z1 roadster.

The E30 3 series was produced in four body styles, a 4 door saloon, a 2 door coach (actually just a 2 door variant of the saloon), a 5 door estate (marketed as the "touring"), and a two-door convertible. A Baur cabrio was also available. The 325ix was produced from 1988 to 1992, and featured all-wheel drive. It was available as a two-door (coach) or a four-door (sedan). The BMW M3 utilised a widened and heavily redesigned and restyled variation of the 2 door body style. The M3 shares few parts with other E30 models.

The primary distinctive feature of the BMW E30 models produced in 1984-1987 are the elongated front/rear chrome bumpers. These bumpers are commonly known as "diving boards." In 1988, the chrome bumpers were shortened by revising the cover/fillers and shortening the shocks. In 1989 the chrome bumpers were finally replaced with shorter black plastic bumpers. The later model plastic bumper can fit onto a 1988 E30 without any modifcations. This is not the case with E30s older than 88. The original chrome bumpers can be tucked in by draining the bumper shocks and compressing them to shorten the bumper. This, however, in the event of a colision, removes the ability of the shocks to absorb impacts and transfers the force directly to the chassis, which is more likely to cause serious damage even in low-speed scenarios.

The cars were powered by a range of inline 4 cylinder (BMW M10 , BMW M40 , & BMW M42) and inline 6 cylinder (BMW M20 and BMW M21) engines, with both petrol and diesel power. Power output for the engines ranges from 140 N·m torque for the 1.8 L (1766 cc) 4 cylinder engine, to 230 N·m torque from the 2.7 L (2693 cc) 6 cylinder petrol engine. The E30 BMW M3 was fitted with a 4 cylinder engine (BMW S14) producing more power, but less torque.


Following on from the E21 the E30 was fitted with M10 4cyl and M20 straight six engines. The 316 used a 1766 cc M10 fed by a carburettor and producing only 66 kW but this allowed BMW to offer a cheap entry level car in the range. The 318i used the same M10 but with Jetronic injection, pushing power to 77 kW and improving economy. Finally the 320i (2.0 M20 with 92 kW) and 323i (2.3 M20 with 111 kW) completed the range.

Later a 2.5 version of the M20 boosted the power of the top model to 120 kW.

In 1988 the E30 was revised. The revision contained two significant changes in the engine department. First the M20 straight six motors changed from Bosch Jetronic to Bosch Motronic, this boosted the 320i to 95 kW and the 325i to 125 kW, all the while improving the economy, specially on the 320i. The M10 was replaced by the new belt-driven cam M40 which also incorporated Motronic injection. The new 318i now has 85 kW and was noticeably smoother than the old 77 kW version. The 316 was replaced by a 316i, which used a 1600 version of the M40 producing 75 kW. Not quite a torquey as the 66 kW 1800 M10 it replaced it nevertheless offered superior performance. On some markets, like South Africa, the old M10 powered 316 continued a lot longer, gaining the new bumpers of the other models. In the South Africa fans had to wait till 1991 for the 316 to make way for the 316i.

Special models:

In addition to the famous M3 there where other special models of E30. BMW South Africa's Motorsport division created the 333i in 1986 by fitting the 3.3 M30 "big six" of the 733i to a 2-door E30. The resulting 333i was a major success in saloon car racing in that country and is now a collectors item. These cars were built with help from Alpina in Austria featured some interesting compromises like forcing the buyer to choose between airconditioning (vital in South Africa) or power steering. They were only built in small numbers in 1986. Later when it became clear that South Africa would not be getting the M3, the 325iS was created. Initially this was merely a 325i 2-door fitted with a bodykit and a close-ratio gearbox (improving acceleration at the expense of top speed and economy) but more changes where made to keep the car competitive in South African saloon car racing. Nevertheless, these cars were always sold to the public. This culminated in the 325iS EvoII of late 1991. By now several body panels were made of aluminium, preventing the car from being washed by automated car washes, and the M20 engine has grown to 2.7 and now produced 155 kW.

BMW 325Ci Coupe (2004)

BMW 3-Series E46

The E46 automobile platform is the fourth generation of BMW's highly successful 3 Series entry-level luxury car / compact executive car. It was introduced in 1998 and replaced the E36 sedans the same year. The touring and coupé models appeared for 2000, and the compact version for 2001. Despite being introduced last, the E46 compact was the first to be replaced when 1 Series was launched in September 2004.

The E46 underwent a facelift for 2002, which included redesigned headlights, new bumpers and a stiffer chassis. Also, the 316i and 318i models received new, more powerful engines.

In mid-2005 the E46 sedans were phased out in favour of the new E90. The E46 touring was also replaced later that year. As of May 2006, the E46 remains in production as coupé, convertible and M3. The E92 coupé is expected to hit the market in September 2006. When the remaining E90 versions will appear is still uncertain, hence the production of the E46 probably continues well into 2007.

The E46 experienced enormous success in all markets and was widely considered the performance benchmark of its class. The record year for the E46 was 2002, when 561,249 vehicles were sold worldwide.

BMW 320si E90 WTCC (2006)

Launch of the BMW 320si WTCC 2006 - International Motor Show (IAA), Frankfurt am Main

BMW presents the motorsport version of the new 3 Series at the IAA.

Frankfurt (GER), 12th September 2005. BMW defines the direction for the future - this time in touring cars. From 12th September, the Munich automobile manufacturer presents the motorsport version of the new BMW 3 Series at the 61st International Motor Show (IAA) in Frankfurt. From 2006, the car will be competing in the FIA World Touring Car Championship (WTCC) and in many other racing series around the world.

The 275 bhp racing car was developed by BMW Motorsport. It is the racing version of the special model BMW 320si, which will be on offer from BMW dealers as a limited edition from December 2005. Like its production counterpart, the motorsport version of the BMW 320si will be driven by a powerful 2-litre four-cylinder in-line engine. The car complies with the Super 2000 regulations and is 45mm longer and 36mm wider than its predecessor.

With this car BMW will continue the tradition of customer sports in 2006. Apart from the World Touring Car Championship, in which BMW competes with national teams, the successful racing version of the BMW 320i is also racing in Championships in Denmark, Italy, Russia, Sweden and Asia. Until now, more than 100 racing sports kits of the E46 series have been sold to motorsport teams by the BMW racing parts distributors.

BMW Motorsport Director Mario Theissen says, "Touring cars without BMW is unthinkable - and BMW is equally unthinkable without touring cars. This is what made the brand grow, and we will stick to this tradition. Apart from works support we have always been keen to keep racing affordable for our customers and at the same time offer a high-performance package. This tradition is now continued by the racing version of the new BMW 3 Series. I am sure that this model will write further chapters of BMW's successful history."

In the World Touring Car Championship, the BMW 320i is currently in its last season. Six races prior to the season finale, Dirk Müller (GER) of BMW Team Deutschland leads the drivers' table, closely followed by his brand-mate Andy Priaulx (GBR) who competes for the BMW Team UK. The Manufacturers' Championship is also lead by BMW, which looks likely to bring the title home to Munich yet again.

Touring car racing is BMW's most successful discipline. The brand can boast an impressive list of successes: 20 European Championship wins with FIA sanction and winner of the first and only World Championship in 1987. Over the past couple of years, BMW came first in the manufacturers' competition of the FIA ETCC. In 2004, Priaulx won the drivers' title in the European Championship.

Technical specifications BMW 320si
Motorsport version for the 2006 FIA World Touring Car Championship.

Length: 4,535 mm
Width: 1,845 mm
Height: approx. 1,350 mm
Wheel base: 2,763 mm
Vehicle weight: 1,140 kg (with driver)
Engine type: four-cylinder in-line
Capacity: 1,998 cc
max. output: approx. 275 bhp at approx. 8,400 rpm
max. engine speed: 8,500 rpm (as per regulations)
Cylinder block: aluminium crankcase reinforced with a bedplate
Engine control: BMW Motorsport ECU404
Tank capacity: approx. 45 litres
Fuel: standard fuel, Super Plus unleaded
Chassis/body: unitary construction steel body
Aerodynamic front apron, rear apron, flared front and rear
package: wheel arches made of CRFP/GFRP, rear wings made of aluminium
Front axle: double joint Mc Pherson axle with adjustable anti roll bar
Rear axle: five arms axle with adjustable anti roll bar
Shock absorbers: Sachs with adjustable compression and rebound
Brake system, front: four-piston AP brake callipers, iron brake discs of 332 mm diameter
Brake system, rear: two-piston AP brake callipers, iron brake discs of 280 mm diameter
Wheels: aluminium rims, SA 216 BBS
Seat: Recaro ProRacer HANS

BMW 3-Series E90/E91

The E90 automobile platform is the fifth and latest generation of BMW's 3 Series entry-level luxury car / compact executive car. It replaced the E46 sedan and touring models in 2005. The E90's dimensions are larger than its predecessor's in every aspect, and for the first time since the E21, the volume model 320i uses an Inline-4 engine. However, despite the change for the sedan and touring models, the current 3 series coupé, M3, and cabriolet variants are still based upon the E46.

First offered to the market in March 2005, it had quickly become BMW Group's best selling automobile worldwide by the end of the year with 229,900 vehicles delivered.

E46 comparison

The E90 sedan is 49 mm longer than the E46 equivalent, 78 mm wider, 9 mm taller and the wheelbase has been increased by 35 mm. As a result, the current 3 Series is only slightly smaller than a 5 Series from the 1980s.

Despite the increased dimensions, the E90 is actually lighter than the E46, which can be attributed to a number of factors. Large amounts of aluminum were used to construct the front-end, evident on parts such as the axle being created entirely of the substance, and the engine which uses that and magnesium where possible rather than traditional materials. The current 320i is powered by further development of the old E46 318i (143 hp) engine. Comparing these two vehicles, the E90 is approximately 35 kg lighter (1435 vs. 1470). The differences are even greater when comparing the E90 325i (European version) and the E46 325i. The E90 is weighs 1505 kg and uses a 218 hp (160 kW) engine, while the E46 weighs 1570 kg and is propelled by 192 hp (141 kW). The new engine, however, needs to rev higher in order to achieve maximum output (6500 rpm instead of 6000).

Other novelties includes the six-speed manual transmission, intended to reduce fuel consumption, and the run-flat tires, which, according to BMW, allows the vehicle to maintain control and continue in case of punctuation (for a limited stretch with moderate speed). Consequently, the car is not equipped with a spare wheel.


In April 2006, the E90 received the World Car of the Year award 2006 from a jury of 46 international automotive journalists. The car was praised for its excellent balance between performance and practicality, as well as between style and seriousness. The jury were also impressed by the new diesel engines and the all wheel drive variants.

BMW Mille Miglia Coupe Concept (2006)

New BMW concept car unveiled at the Mille Miglia 2006

BMW has unveiled a brand new concept car prior to the 2006 Mille Miglia. With hints of today's BMW Z4 Coupe and one of BMW's most famous racing cars, the BMW 328, the BMW Concept Coupe Mille Miglia 2006 took pride of place in Brescia, Italy yesterday (May 10) as this year's entrants were scrutineered ahead of the event.

The Mille Miglia was resurrected in 1977 as an annual rally to celebrate one of the world's great motor races. All vehicle models that competed in the original races between 1927 and 1957 are permitted an entry. Highlighting the 22 BMWs that have entered this year's event, BMW's latest concept looks back to these great racing cars. In particular the BMW 328 Mille Miglia Touring Coupe that was driven into the record books and past the chequered flag in the 1940 race.

It also looks ahead to future motor sport achievements, with a modified drivetrain and suspension from the new Z4 M Coupe providing the car's power and control. A body 23 centimetres longer, and four centimetres lower, than BMW's latest production sports car is set off by bespoke 20-inch alloy wheels on 245/40 R 20 tyres that complement the car's powerful presence.

The concept car looks to both the past and the future in its styling and construction; it pays homage to the outstanding achievements of the engineers who contributed to BMW's successful motor sport heritage, whilst confirming the passion to construct dynamic cars from the most modern materials and processes available. This remains a fundamental concept for today's BMW road and race cars.

In the drive to win races and manufacture the 'ultimate driving machine', the techniques and materials may have changed beyond all recognition, but the drive and ambition remains the same.

Steeped in History

In the 1940 Mille Miglia, the winning BMW 328 Mille Miglia Touring Coupe recorded an incredible, and thoroughly modern, 166.7 kmh average speed over the course's 1,000 miles. This remains the fastest average speed for any Mille Miglia.

The BMW 328 was one of the most successful competitive vehicles in BMW's long motor sport history. Introduced in 1936 the racing specification 328 won its class in almost every race in which it competed between 1936 and 1940, and continued winning races in the 1940s and 1950s.

In 2004, the BMW 328 Mille Miglia Touring Coupe became the first car to win both the Mille Miglia (1940) and the modern-day classical version of the race.
The design team responsible for the original 328 succeeded without the benefit of computers. Building models was the only option. But despite the digital revolution, modelling remains a fundamental part of the design process for today's BMWs. The company's designers remain loyal to this process as it connects them emotionally to the form of a new product. During the design of the BMW Concept Coupe Mille Miglia 2006, the designers took a step back in time and formed the car from plaster models rather than clay. Quite literally a more 'hands-on', labour intensive process. The result is a greater appreciation within the design team of why classic racing cars are perceived as more emotional and artistic objects than today's computer-generated racing cars.

The concept car's hinged hard-top roof is a reference to the relaxation of the rules at Le Mans when racing cars moved from soft-top to hard-top construction as closed vehicles became eligible to race. This precipitated the development of the 328 Touring Coupe from its roadster origins, allowing the model to develop further as a lightweight, aerodynamic 'bespoke' racing car. Similarly, the new Z4 Coupe has been derived from the Z4 Roadster soft-top as a 'behind-the-scenes' project driven by the designers' enthusiasm. This coupe development leading to the production of the new Z4 M Coupe Racing car.

Thoroughly Modern Mille

While the hinged roof structure recalls past events, the principle function of the hinged system, that also raises the cockpit, negates the requirement for doors (reducing weight) and increases torsional stiffness.

The car benefits from an extremely lightweight chassis. The most modern design processes were used to 'stretch' an aluminium shell over a lattice frame. The body is also constructed from lightweight materials, with carbon-fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) clothing the entire vehicle. As a nod to the past this is painted in 'fine silver', a full-gloss paint colour with extremely fine pigments that hints to classic silver race colours.

The large circular headlamps inspired by the shape of the 328 units are not integrated into the body of the car, but attached as flat elements. Modern LED technology facilitates this design function that frees up the designers to develop more flowing and unbroken body forms. This manifests itself on the Concept
Coupe by uninterrupted bonnet and side panels.

Inspired by BMW's glorious motor racing heritage, the science of aerodynamics was addressed with thoroughly modern techniques and design resolutions. Side panels and the rear section of the car were designed to allow turbulence-free flow of air up to the tail where the airflow is separated. Carbon-fibre underbody fins and diffusers on the front and rear aprons also contribute to the car's aerodynamics. Meanwhile air intakes in the A-pillars, arranged in a slim Z-line, direct cooling air from the six-cylinder in-line engine and contribute to developing downforce and reducing turbulence at the wheel housings.

The Concept Coupe is powered by the multi-award winning BMW six-cylinder inline petrol engine that powers the new BMW Z4 M Coupe. Modifications have been made to the inlet and exhaust systems of the 343 hp unit to give the concept car more of a 'racing' sound at both idle and full throttle.

The interior retains the functional simplicity prevalent in both 328 racing cars and Z4 production cars, but in a modern presentation. Only three materials are used; thin stainless steel, untreated cowhides, Lycra fabric. This purist form even extends to letterings, logos and symbols embossed into surfaces using laser technology.

BMW Z4 Roadster (2006)

The new Z4 Roadster

Coinciding with the launch of the BMW Z4 M Roadster, the entire Z4 Roadster range receives visual and substantial mechanical enhancements.


Topping the new range is the Z4 3.0si, featuring BMW's innovative magnesium alloy in-line six-cylinder engine. Featuring Valvetronic valve lift and VANOS valve timing, the Z4 3.0si develops 265hp at 6,600rpm and 315Nm of torque at 2,750rpm. These impressive statistics help power the car from zero to 62mph in 5.7 seconds and, if left unchecked, continues to a maximum electronically limited top speed of 155mph. However, these levels of performance aren't at the expense of economy, with the 3.0si delivering 32.8mpg over the combined cycle.

Two in-line six-cylinder 2.5-litre variants will be offered - the Z4 2.5si and 2.5i. Based on the same engine, but differentiated by output, the 2.5si offers 218hp and 250Nm of torque from its 2,497cc powerplant. This gives the power to sprint from standstill to 62mph in 6.5 seconds and on to a top speed of 149mph, while still delivering 33.6mpg on the combined cycle. By contrast, the 2.5i delivers 177hp and 230Nm of torque.

The only engine carried over from the out-going range is the four-cylinder Z4 2.0i that was launched in April 2005. Produced at BMW's Hams Hall plant near Coventry, the 1,995cc engine features BMW's Valvetronic and VANOS technologies to develop 150hp at 6,200rpm and 200Nm of torque at 3,600rpm. The lighter weight of this engine helps deliver sharp performance, with the Z4 2.0i dispatching the zero to 62mph sprint in 8.2 seconds before hitting a top speed of 137mph.


Like the Z4 M Roadster, all new Z4 models come as standard with a six-speed gearbox. Alternatively, customers purchasing 2.5si and 3.0si models can specify a six-speed automatic gearbox which, for the first time, features paddles on the rear of the steering wheel to select the appropriate gear manually.

Sport models:

Sport models are available to enhance the 'standard' Z4 line-up, featuring 18-inch M double spoke or optional composite alloy wheel, M Sports seats covered in Active Sports leather upholstery, three-spoke M leather steering wheel and M Sports suspension. Sport models will add further appeal to those demanding a particularly sporting drive.


At launch in 2003, the BMW Z4 instantly became one of the company's most distinctive designs. This design positioned the car as much more of a driver's car dynamically than the Z3 it replaced. This performance focus remains, with subtle enhancements rather than wholesale changes.

From the front, the shoulder line extends all the way to the front air dam rather than stopping at the bonnet edge, a wider air intake dominates the lower valance and the kidney grille receives minor changes. Additionally, the headlights have been re-designed and now include corona light rings as standard on all cars specified with Xenon lamps (standard on M Roadster models).

From the side, US-style side reflectors are integrated into the front wheel arches that also house new alloy wheel designs.

From the rear, all-new tail lamps feature Z8-style horizontal light conductor rods and BMW's Brake Force Display braking system while a second spoiler lip adorns the rear air dam. Finally, all Z4 Roadster models feature a new colour choice including Monaco Blue, Flamenco Red, Silver Grey and Deep Green.

BMW 318Ci Convertible

BMW 3-Series E46

The E46 automobile platform is the fourth generation of BMW's highly successful 3 Series entry-level luxury car / compact executive car. It was introduced in 1998 and replaced the E36 sedans the same year. The touring and coupé models appeared for 2000, and the compact version for 2001. Despite being introduced last, the E46 compact was the first to be replaced when 1 Series was launched in September 2004.

The E46 underwent a facelift for 2002, which included redesigned headlights, new bumpers and a stiffer chassis. Also, the 316i and 318i models received new, more powerful engines.

In mid-2005 the E46 sedans were phased out in favour of the new E90. The E46 touring was also replaced later that year. As of May 2006, the E46 remains in production as coupé, convertible and M3. The E92 coupé is expected to hit the market in September 2006. When the remaining E90 versions will appear is still uncertain, hence the production of the E46 probably continues well into 2007.

The E46 experienced enormous success in all markets and was widely considered the performance benchmark of its class. The record year for the E46 was 2002, when 561,249 vehicles were sold worldwide.